Kaleido Sniper M1

 I love to start the day with a nice Cappuccino. Or rather two... In order to get that I have had three superautomatics so far plus one Nespresso machine. I got a Sage (Breville) Barista Pro that I never really got along with and finally ended up with a Eureka Mignon Specialita and a Profitec Pro 600. I am very happy with this setup. My one remaining problem is the coffee itself. I usually buy Zoegas coffee and occasionally  from some small roastery. A good espresso is supposed to be 25 to 30 seconds for a 1:2 ratio and I have a problem with the coffee not being consistent enough to achieve this. After dialing in a bag I still get variations in flow from one cup to the next. My suspicion is that it might be the beans so I got myself a coffee roaster and plan to roast my coffee myself from now on.

I bought a Kaleido Sniper M1 and it is a very nice little machine. It feels like a smaller version of the big roasters that real roasteries use. It might be a very good machine to learn on. It is a steel construction and is surprisingly heavy for its size. In size it is like two 3 liter bag-in-box wine cartons but weighs 10 Kg's. It feels like a solid quality machine. I did two roasts on it yesterday and it was very easy to use. The hard part was the judgement calls as when to increase or decrease temperatures etc. Experience will make that better by time.

I am impressed by the good customer service from the company. They have been excellent when it comes to communication. The roaster came delivered in a carton. Inside the carton was a wooden box and inside the wooden box was another carton with foam lining so the packaging was really great.

I tried to roast yesterday. It was a beautiful summer afternoon so perfect conditions. There was not a lot of smoke so I think I will be able to come up with a solution for indoors roasting during the winter.

The basket that the beans are dropped into is fan cooled. Behind it is the chaff box.

I put the Kaleido on cork since I was worried about heat affecting the wooden table. This was unnecessary since it never got that hot. It was never hotter than I could comfortably keep my hand on the feet of it.

This is the display with touch screen.

This is what was included with the roaster.


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